The festive spirit of Ganesh Chaturthi resonates deeply within the cultural framework of India, marking the annual celebration of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the god of...
While there is uncertainty over Jasprit Bumrah’s return during the two-Test series, Arshdeep Singh and Khaleel Ahmed could make their first red-ball appearances
The Indian...
Suryakumar Yadav finally used the KKR reference to describe his relationship with new coach Gautam Gambhir days after beating Hardik Pandya for India captaincy.
Rahul Dravid’s tenure as Team India’s head coach concluded with the end of the T20 World Cup 2024.
Gautam Gambhir’s appointment as Team India’s head...
This decision, made after a comprehensive search and selection process, marks a significant turning point in the journey of the Indian national team. Gambhir,...